Tuesday, June 5, 2012

À bientôt...

Hello everyone. As I am writing probably the last post on the blog, I'd like to thank Dr. Donovan for putting on this trip for all of us. She has worked harder than any of us could even imagine just to insure that we learn about Paris and have a great time. By now, we've all gone our separate ways. Some have gone home, and others have decided to continue our time away from home. Whenever we return, it is important to remember that we are no longer the same person as before we left. Living in another culture changes one's perspective of everything. We learned to live in the modest sized apartments and navigate the métro (subway) system. We experienced different foods (duck is delicious!), shopped at different stores, and ate at different restaurants. All of these things together will be forever etched in our minds and forever change who we are. Don't be scared, we're still the ones you loved before, but more cultured and cognizant of the world instead of just America. It's a big world out there, and I recommend that everyone has our experiences at some point in their lives. To all those at home, see you soon!

Chris Kurensky
Current Location: Lyon, France

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